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Kids need analog watches! January 11, 2007

Posted by Cynthia Barnes in Silly things parents do.
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Here’s what I know: Today’s youngsters have access to a mountain of technology. While this access offers a ton of convenience, it can also makes us lazy. I see fast food workers who cannot count change unless it is on the cash register’s screen. While advancements make our lives easier, they should not be used to make us lazy.

Today, one of my 5th grade students raised his hand and asked me the time. I turned to look at the room’s wall clock, figuring it was broken. Why else would he ask? Come to find out, he forgot his digital watch at home and could not tell time. While it is great for kids to have watches, parents need to make sure they’re analog (the ones with hands). They can buy digital ones after they become proficient at telling time.
